Saturday, August 23, 2014

Emotions run high

Im really missing my dad this am all week actually and im fighting back the tears because i dont wanna cry anymore.  Tony an mom  are heading to Houston today Tonys going to have heart surgery again poor guy hes so upset he has every reason to be sucks. i really hate that my mom is gunna be gone i dont wanna be home alone yet but ill be allright.  The boys start school Monday im so ready they are so ready too. Ive gotta find a job here and then im gunna get some money saved up enough so i can move to Galveston im  ready to be outta Amarillo i want a different view im tired of here. I want the boys to grow up some where nice the beach is perfect and its nice and so much to do and i think id have better job opportunity's there just a change will do good hey!! One of my friends from church called me i love her and her husband to death they are great!! Her mom died last year so she new exactly how i felt and so she understood how im feeling and everything she encouraged me alot and i totally needed it. im excited for church tonight. Art and i have been hanging out alot nothing new i adore him. i haven't been to dads grave since we took the kids i got something for it i need to go i just havent the guts to do it idk i want to tho...any who we have a house full of peeps and im feeling any moment ill cry or laugh so im gonna jump off this blog for now and catch up later. plus i gotta do some job searching!!

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