a long December.. hehe jk i dont care how long or short the month i was just thinking of a song that said longgg December. Anyways its all ready been a crazy month my darling little Nehemiah has gotten sick with some ear infection and some viral mouth and throat ulcers ugh :( my poor baby. Also some genius who probably shouldn't be driving backed into my car and broke the light and dented the fender a bit its a little up setting to me grr oh well imma get it fixed. So at church on sunday we had an interesting sermon from 2 Thessalonians talking bout slackers and trackers in the church lol. Paster Bill was like before you start calling out others you need to know what you are first hehe pretty interesting. I want to ask him tho what are you suppose to do with the slackers who have the shuv it you owe me type of attitude becuz i do know a few people who are like that oh man what to do with them is what i wanna know. Im so thankful for Owen right now hes truely a God sent gift in my life Thank You Jesus!!
My mom is outta town in Kentucky taken care of my grandparents they are sick :( my grandma made it out of the hospital alive so moms gotta care for her no one else is their to help her. Kinda sucks that my mom is away but its where she needs to be for now. ah well
Its late now i wanna sleep..
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