Sunday, November 9, 2014

Time is going like crazy

I haven't had internet for all month!!! Which sucks and so much has happen... oh I turned 30 its not really a big deal actually i thought about a having a "mid life" crisis but i did that when i was 22 haha so its whatever i don't feel older! 

I finally got a house!! It's cute 4 bedroom 2 bathroom its two story i  like it!! however for the future reference i don't want a two story house all flat is fine wit me!! 

I met this guy his name is Patrick!! I like him hes seems really cool!! Although hes younger then me lol 26 to be exact we seem to get along well! I went to his city this past weekend we went to this beach and walked on the pier had some good mexican food hung out a little bit with his grandma a nice little old lady. He has really nice family! i hope everything works out for the best!

I still miss my dad with every breathe i take and it seems easier to deal with when i dont think about him but when i do the melt down happens and streams of tears pour out of my eyes. Happens at least once a week. At the church here they have a grief class ill probably go to it and see how it is. I was talking to the Pastor  this morning i was like i feel mad i felt mad i was mad at God i was mad at everything and everyone and i wanted to blame my dads wife blame his job blame blame blame but i know its none of there faults and when i try to reason what happen it dont make sense and i feel mad all over again and asking God why why I already know why my dads work was done here God wanted him! i praise God that my dad knew Him had a relationship as well. 

I for the past few months have been clinging on to this verse :

yea its been the only thing that makes some sense to me!!  but yea im out this till a later day!