Hello friends and readers of my blog ,
Ive been away for way to long!! Sorry its been a roller coaster that im ready for it to STOP!! I mainly stopped blogging becuz Owen would cry about it everytime so after a long few month of not putting my thoughts anywhere i said oh well Owen can get OVER IT!! if you dont like it dont read it!! Anywho oh umm i really dont wanna catch up ive been a mess going threw jobs like no other the boys going crazy lol so pretty normal life i reckon but yea maybe not. Nehemiah is getting so big he has a love for God that is unreal but the devil is working double time on him but Nehemiah fights it as best as a 6 year old can. Hes been tripping out lately saying mommy whose gunna burry you when you die im gunna miss you and crying so hard he cant even sleep at night. I just pray for him when hes freaking out like that and that seems to calm him and put him to sleep. The first time he did that i freaked out and called my Paster from the old Pentacostal Church and he calmed me down and reassured me that God gives us peace and sound mind and not to be afraid. That helped alot and why would i be afraid of death? Absent of body is present with Christ!! but when i do think about it i do feel afraid only because of my babys but i know my family would take care of them duh! Also this place isnt our home we are just passing threw im an alien but ive comfortable here and thats not safe!!
Zakariah is getting so big he talks so much too!! Hes just going along with his happy little life!! he does miss his dad alot he just got outta jail weve spoken 2 times and skyped once im really surprised he hasnt come and seen him yet. but as for everything else nothings changed!! My moms dad and mom did passaway in 2013 hard time for my mom but shes doing alot better we have grandpas memorial this coming summer thats gunna be hard on her or a few weeks after that were going to the beach! gunna be awesome but ive gotta work and save money also i wanna save 4k to go Israel with my church Lord willing!! ill have a bake sales ?? lol gah if i dont see it in this life ill live there in the next!! im out friends peace n Love in Jesus name!!